
Thank you for your interest in Azionaqua! We’re excited to have you join us.

Membership Options

*All Basic, Basic +2, Adult, & Two in Household Memberships require a one-time, $225 initiation fee

Now through 3/31/25 get 5 free day guest passes for basic & +2 memberships or 3 free day guest passes for all other memberships

  • BASIC/FAMILY – $450 up to two adults in the same  household plus their legal dependents up to age 23 (immediate family only)
  • BASIC/FAMILY  + 2 – $555 up to two adults & dependents PLUS two undesignated any-age guest passes
  • SENIOR –  $125  age 60+  (no initiation fee)
  • SINGLE ADULT – $175 Adult Single Membership
  • GRANDPARENT – $245 one senior and two unmarried grandchildren (no initiation fee)
  • TWO IN HOUSEHOLD – $245 2 members from the same household, at least one must be 18 years or older
  • YOUNG ADULT – $175 age 18-29 (no initiation fee)

All new members who pay their one-time initiation fee of $225 and their annual membership dues will be upgraded for FREE to the +2 membership (applies only to only to Basic/Family membership) or receive 10 FREE day guest passes (all other membership levels)!

Payment plans as well as a limited number of partial scholarships are available.  Scholarships do not apply to the one-time initiation fee.  For more information, email the aquatics director –

Military Discounts and Add-Ons


Military Discount 10%

Guest Passes:

Age 2 and over: $10/visit, Book of 10 visits for $90.

Note: all guests must be accompanied by a member who stays the entire time with the guest

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